Dating A Foreigner, Things You Should Expect – 2024 Guide

Dating a foreigner may have seemed like a weird thing, but with the world becoming one huge global village, there are bound to be instances when you get attracted to someone different from you. Different cultures, diversities, places, work, and many other reasons can be catalysts in developing feelings for someone not of your nationality. … Read more

We Are Family

YazTheSpaz reflects on the importance of family in our lives. Every journey has struggles and obstacles that we must overcome to reach our goals. Our family, friends, coworkers and (if we have them) children can motivate us to hit our personal targets. Throughout the years, I’ve found that I get the most ambition to reach my … Read more

Life in a refugee camp

Many years after fleeing into exile, Sazan M Mandalawi returns to her homeland to help youth whose lives are on hold. I was born a refugee in Iranian Kurdistan. A year before my birth, Saddam Hussein launched a campaign of genocide against the Kurdish people; thousands in the Kurdish city of Halabja, Iraq were killed by a … Read more