Dating A Foreigner, Things You Should Expect – 2024 Guide

Dating a foreigner may have seemed like a weird thing, but with the world becoming one huge global village, there are bound to be instances when you get attracted to someone different from you. Different cultures, diversities, places, work, and many other reasons can be catalysts in developing feelings for someone not of your nationality. … Read more

Muslim Women Dealing with Divorce

The fairytale version of marriages usually doesn’t include divorce. Fatimah Jackson-Best speaks to three Muslim women who share why their marriages ended and how they coped with it. Recently a friend confided in me that she is going to leave her husband of five years. Strangely, I wasn’t shocked when she told me; it seems that more women … Read more

Muslim love-matching app: Haram or Halal?

Several mobile apps have arrived in the marketplace recently to help Muslims find their potential partners. Has this digital age empowered the mipsters of today, or has it blurred the lines of Islam? “For many Muslims who have grown up in the West, dating and getting married can be challenging. Determined to find love on … Read more

Is Skin Colour Important in Marriages?

Islam is not immune to racism and discrimination. Fatimah Jackson-Best challenges us to confront our personal beliefs and prejudices. The spread of Islam is remarkable considering its humble beginnings in an Arabian desert over 1400 years ago. The strength of the message is what continues to bring people from diverse backgrounds to the religion. One only has … Read more