Becoming pregnant is one of the happiest times of the life of a mother-to-be. You, of course, want everything to be perfect for your upcoming bundle of joy, but being pregnant and planning to bring home a new baby can be expensive and even a bit overwhelming. Luckily, there are quite a few ways that you can save on your pregnancy and buying things for the new little one. The following are a few tips to help.
Avoid buying new maternity clothes

As your stomach expands, you’ll find that your clothes don’t fit. This is just one of the biggest parts of being pregnant. While it may be tempting to hit up all the maternity boutiques in your area, you should refrain if you’re looking to save money during your pregnancy. Maternity clothes can be super-expensive, and if you think about it logically, you’re not going to get much use out of them after the baby is born. From local consignment shops to friends who have still have their maternity clothes hanging in the closet, there are many ways to get the clothes you need without spending a pretty penny to do it.
Always say yes to baby showers

First off, why would anyone say no to a baby shower? Everything from baby clothes to diapers and from cribs to car seats is expensive. If someone or even more than one someone offers to throw you a baby shower, say yes. You’ll get a ton of gifts you can use to set up your nursery, and you’ll save money at the same time.
Set aside money for maternity/paternity leaves

It’s important to note that although some employers offer paid maternity-paterninty leave, it is not required for them to. You may need to be out of work for at least six weeks, and many times your husband may need to be on leave to help you out, as well. It’s super-important to save for that maternity leave so that you aren’t struggling and getting behind on your bills. You should be able to concentrate on getting to know and bonding with your little one, not worried about how you’re going to pay the light bill.
Avoid the need to buy everything

New parents have an incessant need for everything to be new when they are bringing a new baby home. While there is nothing at all wrong with that, if you’re looking to save money during your pregnancy, you should avoid that need if you can. For example, if you have a baby monitor from your last pregnancy that is broken, instead of throwing it out, take it to be repaired so that it works as good as new.
Repairs shops such as, uBreakiFix can easily repair electronic items such as cell phones and other items you might need before baby comes home. In many cases, these items can be fixed the same day. The prices are affordable and you’re not spending more money than you need to.
Compare Hospital and Health Insurance Costs

Perhaps the most expensive part of pregnancy is the hospital bills that come with it. That’s why it’s important to take your time and choose a hospital that is reputable but inexpensive as possible, as well. This comparison starts with making sure you have the best health insurance possible, and that means comparing costs across the board. One way to do this is by comparing health insurance policies with iSelect. The site can help you choose the best insurance policy to cover hospital costs, doctor’s visits, and various tests that are a part of being pregnant.
These are just a few of the easiest ways to save money on your pregnancy. Remember, you will after to be out of work so making sure you have the money saved to make ends meet is paramount to a happy pregnancy.