Halal prostitute hoax magnifies Muslim media myths

As a recent fake news story illustrates, satire not only fuels the flames of mistrust between Islamophobes and Muslims, but also gives an opportunity for introspection. By Sya Taha. Last week saw a news piece written in French about a new bar in Amsterdam that would offer “halal prostitutes”. The story was then picked up by other websites … Read more

China’s women-only mosques led by female imams

An age-old institution in China serves as a testament to the message of Islam. By Afia R Fitriati. The Wangjia Hutong mosque in Kaifeng, central China, may be modest in size. But like the welcoming bosom of a loving mother, it has for decades embraced the girls and women within its walls, providing them with Islamic … Read more

The Contributions of Muslims to Medicine

Though we may not realise it, the Islamic world has had a remarkable influence on health and wellness as we know it. From hospitals that cared to scholars who shared, early Muslims were so progressive that we continue to benefit from their work today. Although health and wellness may be on everyone’s minds these days, … Read more