What Should You Avoid Before and After Juvederm Injections?

Juvederm fillers – your perfect alternative to any type of dangerous plastic surgery meant for skin rejuvenation and lost volume restoration. Thanks to hyaluronic acid in the composition of each product, this brand is safe for most patients and can be used for aesthetic goals of practically anyone; HA is a substance produced naturally in the body, so it is compatible with the organism and cannot cause any severe adverse reactions.

As with every treatment out there, there are certain recommendations of what to do and not to do in order to guarantee an easy procedure with minimal complications afterward. That’s why we decided it would be useful to discuss those in this article to enrich your knowledge about this sphere and make your first treatment much safer!

Juvederm is a prescription product, which means only licensed specialists can use it to perfect one’s appearance. If you are a board-certified specialist, you can buy Juvederm dermal fillers from various reliable suppliers on the Internet (for example, BeautyDermal). Just be careful not to use scammers’ services!

Avoid this after the filler treatment

Source: 77plasticsurgery.com

Even though filler injections are safe and don’t really cause severe complications, it is still better to know some basic limitations in order not to spoil the results and make the recovery process much faster. There is not a lot, but it is still better to pay attention:

  • Avoid facial massages, unneeded pressure, and other cosmetic treatments for some time. If filler injected under the skin hasn’t settled, the pressure may make it migrate to different unwanted zones and spoil the results. Moreover, rubbing can worsen side effects such as bruising and swelling, and it’s clearly not something people want after the aesthetic treatment;
  • Avoid strenuous exercise. Once again, it leads to unwanted pressure that can spoil the final results of the injection session. It is also recommended to stay away from gyms for a few days before the appointment at the doctor’s office;
  • Avoid sun exposure. Direct UV rays can cause redness, swelling, and other unfortunate adverse reactions, not to mention that the skin is much more sensitive after the filler. So, for a few days, don’t visit places with intense heat, such as hot tubs, solarium, saunas, etc.;
  • Don’t apply heavy makeup or use other intense treatments for a week. Switch for a gentle cleanser for some time, forget about rough scrubbing, and don’t use a substance that includes harsh chemicals in their compositions (for example, hair removal creams);
  • Avoid dental procedures until filler settles. In the beginning, it can migrate from the place of the administration, so it is better to stay away from the situations where this action can be provoked.

Recommendations before the injection session

Source: myfacelady.com

There is also specific recommendation before the medical treatment that should be followed to make the filler appointment much more effortless and avoid unpleasant situations. So, here are some basic recommendations that should be followed before dermal filler injections:

  • Avoid herbal supplements and medications that have blood-thinning effects a week prior to the injection. It includes Ibuprofen, aspirin, fish oil, vitamin E, and some other items that should be discussed with a doctor before the treatment;
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for three days before the Juvederm administration. In this way, you’ll avoid intense bruising, swelling, and possible bleeding during the procedure;
  • Treat all the irritations and skin damage before the injection session. It would be impossible to perform the injection with facial cold sores or other wounds near the target area. You shouldn’t hurry with the filler injection.

We would also recommend talking to the medical professional about the best aftercare routine for your skin type, as it may vary based on the same individual characteristics.

Ask about whether you should apply ice, which products typical for your skincare should be avoided, what to do in case you feel pain or notice any severe side effects after the dermal filler treatment and other crucial nuances. It is better to be prepared to avoid certain unpleasant situations and guarantee a painless, safe procedure for yourself.

Be ready for such adverse reactions as local irritations in the target spot and those close to it, increased sensitivity in the treated zones, and possible headaches.

The final word about Juvederm dermal fillers

Source: primacenter.com

Juvederm is one of the most popular and safest brands available on the aesthetic medicine market. In order for the treatment to be successful and without any severe irritations, it is important to be aware of certain general recommendations that should be followed before and after the injection session.

Also, if you have any doubts, it is always possible to talk with a medical professional and discuss your concerns. Dermal filler injections are safe and beneficial, so don’t avoid this chance to try something new and reach the looks you’ve always dreamt about.