This type of diamond cut represents one of the most popular forms for a long time. It was presented during the 60s and first introduced in the UK. The main reason why the jewelers prefer this share is because it needs less part of the diamond to be brushed off, which is more efficient as well.
The popular square-shaped diamond brings many advantages. First of all, it is quite cheaper than round models. As we already mentioned, the process requires less work, which leads to lower prices.
However, the cheaper price does not mean that this model is less attractive. It is quite the opposite since a lot of people consider it as one of the most beautiful diamond shapes today.
However, it is required to install it on the ring in the right way so it will have proper stability and durability. This option is very popular as an engagement ring. If you are interested in buying one, check out
The maintenance is quite simple as well, and you can use only soap and water to keep it shiny all the time. Also, we suggest you check the stability from time to time. If you notice that the stone starts moving, you should visit a jeweler to fix that so you can avoid losing it.
While the basic form of this stone is square, that does not mean that there are not many different versions available on the market. You can find many unique shapes, and we are going to introduce you to some of the best options.
1. Simple Style

For those who prefer minimalism, you can choose a basic rind with a stone attached to it. There are different ratios that you can choose for the stone, like 1 to 1, 1 to 1.05, and 1 to 1.1. Also, the corners come in two most common patterns, Bezel and French. Also, the cut can have 2, 3, or 4 chevrons. These features are related to visual properties, and if you prefer the basic model, then the one with only 2 chevrons is the best solution.
The next important thing is to choose a ring. There is a wide selection of rings made of different materials. We suggest you choose gold or platinum. Also, if you are interested in basic style, there is no need to get a ring with additional details and smaller stones around the princess cut.
2. Focus on the Elegance

This option requires a little more detail. However, they must be well-balanced. We recommend a wider ring, and the best material would be platinum. You can choose a ring with additional stones around the cut, but they should be lined with metal, while the main focus is still on the square.
This style provides an amazing appearance with 6 or 8 smaller stones on both sides, and the main one in the middle. It will surely drove the attention of everyone when you are wearing it. Also, it is bulkier and heavier than most other models, and person wearing it will feel it on the finger.
3. Trillion Cut Model

This is one of the most unique pieces on this list. It represents a combination of square cut in the middle and trillion cut notes on both sides. The best material for this option is white gold. Also, the ring should be narrower so the main focus remains on the stone. It is one of the lightest versions as well weighting only around 3 grams.
4. Vintage Style

While the share represents a basic style, there are many additional changes that jewelers can make to make the rink appear more unique.
That is the case with this style where small pieces of diamonds are added to the ring and formed in a shape that resembles a spiral.
The stones can go from bigger to smaller as they are getting closer to the middle. Also, the main stone can be divided in several pieces, like a square made out of smaller diamonds.
5. Three Stones

Another popular model is the ring combined with three stones with same or similar size. If you want to buy a ring that will attract attention from everyone, this is the best choice.
It is big and shiny, with three diamonds in the middle. There are some even more unique models, with additional details like smaller stones on both sides.
Benefits and Downsides of Choosing a Diamond Cut

The main advantage is the appearance. People got used to round stones, and this is something different and more unique. Also, you can find it for a much lower price. It offers great flexibility when it comes to design, size, different details, shapes, and more.
Moreover, it is one of the best models if you want to add some unique features. On the other side, you should pay attention to the quality when you are buying this model. The corners are prone to damage, and it should be well-maintained. Also, be sure that all sides are the same. It can be difficult to notice on first sight.
When you are buying the ring with this stone, you should focus on choosing the right shape, model with proper symmetry, and finding the best contrast between the stone and other materials. Also, bulkier models often have a problem with stability.
The Bottom Line
Learning more about the most important features will help you to make the right decision when you are buying a ring with princess cut. Also, it is crucial to choose a reliable jeweler. In that matter, the price should never be a main factor since cheaper model could have some hidden deficiencies.
The basic form of the stone is quite simple, but jewelers are using various techniques to make the rings more unique. Also, there are different types of cuts used in the process that will provide the stone with higher or lower brilliance. The best part is related to high flexibility that provides an amazing selection of styles available on the market.