Style spied: Reef triumphs over confidence issues

Struggling through hijab issues is what has brought Reef El Zein to where she is today. By Shea Rasol. When Reef made peace with herself after struggling with the hijab for almost five years of her teenage life, she realized that the hijab was the strength that she’d been looking for. This Lebanese girl residing in the … Read more

Style spied: Sebina Hussain, an aspiring lawyer from the UK

Putting her faith first has helped Sebina Hussain learn that embracing hijab was a life-changing experience. By Shea Rasol. An aspiring lawyer from the UK, Sebina Hussain, 22, obtained her law diploma last summer and has just completed her postgraduate diploma in legal practice. Like many hijabis, Sebina didn’t realize that joining Instagram two years ago would … Read more

Style spied: Zeynep Mutlu-Iskender from Germany

This fashion practitioner challenges prejudices and builds bridges, all while celebrating her signature hijab style. By Katharina Pfannkuch. With her signature turban style, Zeynep is one of the pioneers of the Islamic fashion landscape in Germany. In terms of modern Islamic fashion, Germany is not as far developed as the UK or the Netherlands, despite a … Read more

Yang Yang from China

Hailing from the Middle Kingdom is Yang Yang. Her style exudes practicality and sweetness, and the very simplicity of it all is just refreshing. Credits: Yang Yang