MOCAfest 2015: Brushing up on calligraphy with Ruh al-Alam

This designer and visual artist constantly evolve his work to push out of tradition and embrace modern influences. British-born Ruh al-Alam was raised in the UK by his Bangladeshi parents. Trained as a traditional calligrapher, his deep passion for graphic arts led him to experiment with design and typography. Together with designer Peter Gould, Ruh … Read more

DIY: Make new hijabs out of your old clothes

Stay modest and fabulous by upcycling new hijabs. In our society, being fashionable is a moving target. One day your clothes are in style, and the next they’re out. It can be exhausting to stay on top of the constantly shifting trends, not to mention expensive! One way to cut costs and still remain modest … Read more

Fuss-Free Hijabs

Here’s a shopping list that no busy, fashion-forward Muslim woman should ignore. By Maryam Yusof. I decided to start wearing the hijab on the first day of Ramadhan in 2010. I realized in those early days that I was spending a lot more time fixing my hijab before heading to class than I used to spend … Read more

How 10 years of social media has changed Islam

When social media was introduced to our civilization a decade ago, none of us imagined how it would change the world. It has also profoundly changed Islam, writes Omar Shahid. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and friends have helped foment revolutions, topple dictators, assist extremists and create trolls. Social media has changed the way we interact, think, … Read more