Struggling to survive the opening phase of your club games? As a busy club player, you need an opening you can rely on that doesn’t require hours of study. Look no further than the London System. The London System (1.d4 d5 2.Bf4) is a solid chess opening for players that is easy to learn and allows you to play on your terms. Its simplicity makes it popular at all levels.
Its flexible pawn structures give you a small but lasting edge against lower-rated opponents. The London System is beginner-friendly yet respected by pro experts. With clear development schemes and useful plans, the London System is the perfect strategy for club player success.
The Initial Moves Of The London System

The initial moves of the London System involve playing 1.d4 d5 2.Bf4, typically followed by e3, c3 and Nbd2. This strategic sequence enables the bishop to become active. Another possible move order is 1.d4, 2.Nf3, 3.Bf4. This flexibility allows White to establish the London System setup even if Black attempts to circumvent it.
White players often strive to create a central pawn formation and a secure positional structure. One important strategy is to establish a knight outpost on e5 while another intriguing idea is the h7 sacrifice, as exemplified in the Kamsky, vs. Shankland game from 2014.
The London System is particularly suitable for players who wish to minimize their reliance on opening theory, enjoy positions, prioritize play over tactics and prefer predictable setups that put pressure on their opponents. Beginners find it easy to grasp while experts appreciate its versatility.
The London System Main Structure

In the London System, White immediately frees their bishop for active participation in the game. The pawns provide support for the pawn to strengthen control over the centre of the board. The squared bishop often finds its way to d3 with an eye towards h7.
The knight typically heads to d2 and White completes development by castling. This solid structure grants flexibility to players in implementing plans. Against the main line, White aims for a super-solid centre with c3 and e3. Transpositions are common as Black seeks to avoid White’s preferred structures.
Strategies To Counter The London System

Black has several good options to avoid falling into the London System. The Benoni Defense directly challenges White’s control in the centre. The Dutch Defense aims to dominate squares on the board.
The England Gambit forces an early pawn exchange before White can establish a London structure. While there might still be possibilities for transpositions between these openings they limit White’s ability to execute London plans and strategies.
The Bottom-line
The London System’s simplicity, flexibility, and soundness make it a wise choice for players of all levels. Beginners can grasp it quickly while experts appreciate subtle nuances. White achieves a solid structure to implement preferred plans. Black must seek creative approaches to disrupt White’s harmony. Studying the London System will lead to great results for both beginners and seasonal experts.